Cookie Policy of

This document provides information to Users about the technologies used by this Website to achieve the purposes described below. These technologies allow the Owner to access and store information (such as Cookies) or utilize resources (such as scripts) on a User’s device during their interaction with this Website.

For simplicity, all such technologies are collectively referred to as “Trackers” in this document, unless there is a specific reason to differentiate. For instance, while Cookies can be used on both web and mobile browsers, referring to them as Cookies in the context of mobile apps would be inaccurate since they are browser-based Trackers. Therefore, within this document, the term “Cookies” is used specifically to indicate that particular type of Tracker.

Some purposes for which Trackers are used may require the User’s consent, depending on applicable laws. Whenever consent is given, it can be freely withdrawn at any time following the instructions provided in this document.

This Website utilizes Trackers managed directly by the Owner (referred to as “first-party” Trackers) and Trackers that enable services provided by third parties (referred to as “third-party” Trackers). Unless otherwise specified in this document, third-party providers may access the Trackers managed by them.

The validity and expiration periods of Cookies and other similar Trackers may vary based on the lifetime set by the Owner or the relevant provider. Some of them expire upon termination of the User’s browsing session.

In addition to the information specified in the descriptions within each of the categories below, Users can find more precise and updated details regarding lifetime specifications, as well as any other relevant information (such as the presence of other Trackers), in the linked privacy policies of the respective third-party providers or by contacting the Owner.


This Website employs Trackers to gauge traffic and analyze User behavior, aiming to enhance the Service.

Monitoring and Analyzing Web Traffic: Meta Events Manager and Google Analytics

This section encompasses services that allow the Owner to monitor and analyze web traffic, providing insights into User behavior. Let’s delve into the details:

  1. Meta Events Manager (Meta Platforms Ireland Limited)
    • Meta Events Manager, provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, serves as an analytics service.
    • By integrating the Meta pixel, this tool offers the Owner valuable insights into website traffic and interactions.
    • Personal Data processed: Tracker and Usage Data.
    • Place of processing: Ireland – Privacy Policy.
    • Storage duration:
      • _fbp: 3 months.
  1. Google Analytics (Universal Analytics)
    • Google Analytics, offered by Google LLC or Google Ireland Limited (depending on data processing management), is a web analysis service.
    • It tracks and examines website usage, generates activity reports, and shares them with other Google services.
    • Google may personalize ads based on the collected data.
    • Personal Data processed: Tracker and Usage Data.
    • Place of processing:
      • United States – Privacy Policy – Opt Out.
      • Ireland – Privacy Policy – Opt Out.
    • Storage duration:
      • AMP_TOKEN: 1 hour.
      • _ga: 2 years.
      • _gac*: 3 months.
      • _gat: 1 minute.
      • _gid: 1 day.


This Website uses Trackers to deliver personalised marketing content based on User behaviour and to operate, serve and track ads.


This type of service allows User Data to be utilized for advertising communication purposes. These communications are displayed in the form of banners and other advertisements on this Website, possibly based on User interests. However, not all Personal Data are used for this purpose. Below, you’ll find information and conditions of use:

  • Some of the services listed below may use Trackers for identifying Users, behavioral retargeting (displaying ads tailored to the User’s interests and behavior), or measuring ads performance. For more details, please refer to the privacy policies of the relevant services.
  • Services of this kind typically offer the option to opt out of such tracking. In addition to any opt-out features provided by the services below, Users can learn more about how to generally opt out of interest-based advertising in the dedicated section “How to opt-out of interest-based advertising” in this document.

TikTok Conversion Tracking

  • An analytics and behavioral targeting service provided by TikTok Inc., TikTok Information Technologies UK Limited, Bytedance, TikTok Technology Limited, or TikTok Pte. Ltd. (depending on how the Owner manages Data processing).
  • Connects data from the TikTok advertising network with actions performed on this Website.
  • The TikTok pixel tracks conversions attributable to TikTok ads and enables targeting of User groups based on their past use of this Website.
  • Personal Data processed: device information, Trackers, unique device identifiers for advertising (e.g., Google Advertiser ID or IDFA), and Usage Data.
  • Place of processing: United States, United Kingdom, India, Ireland, Singapore – Privacy Policy.

Meta Ads Conversion Tracking (Meta Pixel)

  • An analytics service provided by Meta Platforms, Inc. or Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (depending on how the Owner manages Data processing).
  • Connects data from the Meta Audience Network with actions performed on this Website.
  • The Meta pixel tracks conversions attributable to ads on Facebook, Instagram, and the Meta Audience Network.
  • Personal Data processed: Trackers and Usage Data.
  • Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy – Opt out.

Facebook Lookalike Audience

  • An advertising and behavioral targeting service provided by Meta Platforms, Inc. or Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (depending on how the Owner manages Data processing).
  • Uses Data collected through Facebook Custom Audience to display ads to Users with behavior similar to those already in a Custom Audience list.
  • Personalized ads are shown to Users suggested by Facebook Lookalike Audience.
  • Users can opt out of Facebook’s use of Trackers for ads personalization by visiting the opt-out page.
  • Personal Data processed: Tracker and Usage Data.
  • Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy – Opt out.
  • Behavioral Targeting:
    • Behavioral targeting involves creating targeted campaigns for specific audience segments based on their online behavior.
    • Advertisers analyze user actions such as website visits, clicks, and product interests to understand individual preferences and intent.
    • By tailoring ads to align with user behaviors, behavioral targeting aims to improve conversion rates, increase sales, and enhance customer loyalty.
    • It’s a personalized approach that focuses on specific actions demonstrated by users.
  • TikTok Remarketing:
    • TikTok Remarketing is a service that connects the activity of this Website with the TikTok advertising network.
    • It targets users who have interacted with this Website and aims to re-engage them on TikTok.
    • Personal data processed includes device information, unique device identifiers (e.g., Google Advertiser ID or IDFA), and usage data.
    • Processing locations include the United Kingdom, United States, India, Ireland, and Singapore.
  • Facebook Custom Audience:
    • Facebook Custom Audience connects this Website’s activity with the Facebook advertising network.
    • It targets users who have engaged with this Website on Facebook.
    • Users can opt out of Facebook’s use of trackers for personalized ads.
    • Personal data processed includes email addresses and trackers.
    • Processing locations include the United States and Ireland.
  • Facebook Remarketing:
    • Facebook Remarketing also connects this Website’s activity with the Facebook advertising network.
    • It focuses on re-engaging users who have interacted with this Website on Facebook.
    • Personal data processed includes trackers and usage data.
    • Processing locations include the United States and Ireland.

How to Manage Preferences and Provide or Withdraw Consent on This Website

When the use of Trackers relies on consent, users can provide or withdraw that consent by adjusting their preferences through the relevant privacy choices panel available on this Website.

For third-party Trackers, users can manage preferences via the provided opt-out link, by following the instructions in the third party’s privacy policy, or by directly contacting the third party.

Controlling or Deleting Cookies and Similar Technologies via Device Settings

Users can utilize their browser settings to:

  1. View Cookies and Similar Technologies:
    • Check which Cookies or similar technologies have been set on their device.
  2. Block Cookies:
    • Prevent Cookies or similar technologies from being used.
  3. Clear Cookies:
    • Remove Cookies or similar technologies from the browser.

However, browser settings do not allow granular control of consent by category.

For specific guidance on managing Cookies in commonly used browsers, users can visit the following addresses:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Brave
  • Opera

Users can also manage certain Tracker categories on mobile apps by adjusting relevant device settings (e.g., device advertising settings for mobile devices or general tracking settings).

Opting Out of Interest-Based Advertising

In addition to the above, users can follow instructions from the following services to manage tracking preferences for most advertising tools:

  • YourOnlineChoices (EU and UK)
  • Network Advertising Initiative (US)
  • Digital Advertising Alliance (US)
  • DAAC (Canada)
  • DDAI (Japan)

The Digital Advertising Alliance offers an application called “AppChoices” to control interest-based advertising on mobile apps.

Consequences of Denying Tracker Use

Users have the freedom to allow or block Trackers. However, note that Trackers enhance this Website’s experience and advanced features (in line with the purposes outlined in this document). Blocking Trackers may limit related functionalities.

Owner and Data Controller

  • Company: OSVC Horbenko K.
  • Address: 18100, Ratiborska 749/34, Prague
  • Contact Email: [email protected]

Since third-party Trackers are beyond the Owner’s full control, specific references to them are indicative. For complete information, consult the privacy policies of the respective third-party services listed in this document.

For further details on tracking technologies, users are encouraged to contact the Owner.

Definitions and Legal References

  • Personal Data (or Data): Refers to any information that directly or indirectly allows for the identification or identifiability of a natural person, including personal identification numbers.
  • Usage Data: Information collected automatically through this Website (or third-party services employed in this Website). It includes IP addresses, domain names, URI addresses, request times, server response details, country of origin, browser features, and other parameters related to the User’s IT environment.
  • User: The individual using this Website, typically coinciding with the Data Subject.
  • Data Subject: The natural person to whom the Personal Data refers.
  • Data Processor (or Processor): The entity processing Personal Data on behalf of the Controller (as described in this privacy policy).
  • Data Controller (or Owner): The entity determining the purposes and means of Personal Data processing. Unless specified otherwise, the Data Controller is the Owner of this Website.
  • This Website (or Application): The platform collecting and processing User Personal Data.
  • Service: The specific service provided by this Website, as described in the relevant terms (if available).
  • European Union (EU): References to the EU include all current member states and the European Economic Area.
  • Cookie: Small sets of data stored in the User’s browser.
  • Tracker: Any technology (e.g., Cookies, unique identifiers, web beacons) enabling User tracking by accessing or storing information on the User’s device.
  • Legal Information: This privacy policy pertains solely to this Website unless otherwise specified within this document.
  • Latest Update: August 19, 2024.